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Humour is the last thing I expected from this book. But it did surprise me. The way Jonnathan Tropper has brought in the wit in a grave situation as this was amusing.  It took me on emotional joy ride. The simplicity of characters  got me so immersed that it was hard to put it down.


What can I say about a Judd Foxman going through a mid-life crisis that you haven’t already heard? Marital problems, siblings who he has no contact with and the death of their father that brings them all together.


As they sit Shiva to grieve the death of their father/husband they realise how much they have missed out on each others lives. Somewhere with their own personal roller coasters rides they have forgotten what it used to be like.


Wendy is so wrapped up in her own little world with the children and a husband working around the clock, that she has forgotten the girl she was. Which she is reminded by an old friend from her past.


Phillip, the troubled brat of the family who had fallen off the grid, more than showing up at all he surprises everyone by not walking in alone.

 Somewhere in between growing up and starting new lives, Paul and Judd stopped being friends they were growing up. 

Along with their own families now, they are reminded of how amusing and over whelming living under the same roof can be. Judd takes us through this comical and poignant journey of reuniting with his family.


This book will make a lot of people wonder about how we have become so busy in our lives with so much going that we have lost contact or have become distant within our own family. No one to blame, but we depend so much on social media now to stay in touch with the world that we forget what it was like to sit as a family after dinner and just talk.

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